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Softball is an exciting team sport in Special Olympics. Athletes can participate in individual skills, coach pitches, traditional slow-pitch, or Unified softball.


The softball individual skills competition allows athletes to train and compete in basic softball skills. The development of these key skills is necessary prior to advance to team competition. These skills include base running, fielding, and throwing. A player’s final score is determined by adding together the scores achieved in each of the events.


As in all Special Olympics sports, athletes are grouped in competition divisions according to ability level and age. Oil up your glove and get ready for some evening softball.

In Special Olympics Softball the 12 inch, slow-pitch ball (yellow) is used. The pitcher uses an underhand throw to lob the ball up in a high arc and down toward the batter’s feet. A wood or metal bat is used and the outfield has 4 players instead of the 3 seen in baseball. The 4th outfielder generally stands near the 2nd base. The team can be either coach pitch or player pitch and the roster may contain from 11-16 players.


Head Coach: Rachael Click

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